Power Rank Friday: Things I Wish I Was Good At

Nicholas Boys
4 min readMay 29, 2020


There are many things I wish I was good at. This list has grown to be quite lengthy in my head but I will try to keep it more concise as I dip pen to paper here. This list is basically a ranking of what I’d ask from a genie if they only offered skills or attributes. I’d love to hear from you and what’s on your list. Rubbed the magic lamp and here’s what I’m asking for:

  1. Singing

Remember when singing wasn’t cool? Like in high school some kids would be made fun of or alienated because they were involved in singing or performing arts. How stupid. Those kids are geniuses. You know who loves singing? Girls. And you know what girls love more than singing itself? Guys that can sing. You see all these viral videos of good looking guys on American Idol or X Factor or whatever and the comments are flooded with heart eyes and marriage proposals. Those guys are playing the long game. I know they say that they just love to sing or blah blah blah but we know. We all know. Now, I’m not afraid to sing. I’ll belt out many a song on karaoke especially if I’ve partaken in a few adult bevarges, but to actually be a good singer? That’s the dream.

2. Computer Programming/Data Analysis

I think if I could do over my college academics I would be some kind of computer science major. I just feel like the way the world is going it’s such a lucrative field to get into. This past semester I took an information systems class and we learned a bit of coding and did a lot of work in Excel. Do you know how much stuff you can do in Excel? It’s incredible. Whoever invented Excel might be the smartest guy in the world. I’m not even sure how I would leverage my make believe Excel skills but what an absolute flex to be an Excel or coding wizard.

3. Handyman skills

I’m just going to come out and say it. I am not a handyman. I really don’t know how to fix anything, build anything, performance maintenance on anything, nothing. I think it stems from my Dad actually being a good handyman. This is no slight on the Old Man because if he could get the job done himself, why would he want to enlist the help of his idiot son that just wants to crack jokes and write blogs? Can’t blame a man for that. But alas, I have no handyman skills. And how does one acquire them later in life? I feel like the shipped has sailed on that. There’s only so much Google can teach you when you search things like “my shower water is too hot” and “the kitchen sink is clogged again.”

4. Painting/Drawing/Art

I don’t possess one artistic bone in my body. Not one. I have absolutely no feel for creativity in terms of art and all things involved. I guess you could consider writing an art form and that’s about as lucrative as painting or drawing, but at least if I was doing that I just have to present a visual. Much easier to get someone to look at a picture opposed to a 1500 word blog about Family Feud. Plus, if I could draw I would dominate at Pictionary whenever it gets dusted off and brought out. So that’s a big positive.

5. Gambling

There’s no thrill like sports gambling. Nothing gets the heart racing like a last second cover or your team almost blowing what you thought was a sure thing. But, here’s the problem. I’m not great at it, and frankly I’m not convinced that anybody is. Just a few weeks ago I lost 6 straight bets on Korean Baseball. I mean how is that possible. I see all these guys out there with different spreadsheets and models and all that jazz and for what? When the game starts absolutely no one what’s going to happen. If I had one wish from a genie, it would be to see future scores so I can bet on them. No doubt in my mind. That’s the ultimate power.

6. Rubik’s Cube

I actually did know how to do a Rubik’s cube for a very brief period of time. When you live in the middle of nowhere Kentucky there’s no better time to learn the patterns (shoutout Danny Diaz for teaching me). There was only 7 or 8 steps I think and it took about a weekend to memorize all of it. But here’s the thing I probably should have realized, if you don’t keep practicing your brain forgets the steps. Logically makes sense right. So now I’m stuck knowing how to get like one side done and then nothing from there. No one wants to see one completed side. That’s not a cool party trick. Getting a cube done in less than a minute? Or 30 seconds? Now that’s a cool party trick. I might have to break out the cube again.



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